Burnham Family 2012

Burnham Family 2012

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May Baby?

Well it looks like this baby might come early after all....? I had a doc. apt. today and he was getting concerned with the contractions again, so he decided to send me over the the ER to get some testing done...I can't remember the exact name of the testing but it is new and it used for determining (predicting) if you will go into labor in the next 7-14 days. Well I tested positive, which isn't a guarantee I will have the baby over the next two weeks, but I have a very high chance of it. So they gave me a Cortisone shot, and I have another one tomorrow. It is suppose to help the babies lungs develop faster in case she comes early. I have been put on a bed rest of sorts is what the doctor said...so we will see how that goes with Madilyn being as active as she is. Oh I will be 34 weeks on Sunday.

And another piece of news I received today. The Lacombe hospital does do epidurals, but the is a big BUT with that. He said that they have to have a lot of staff on hand and the anesthesiologist has to be there. So the chances of getting one during the day are slim but possible, and nights and weekends....just don't count on it. So it looks like I might being having a natural child birth after all haha!

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